Sometimes I really hate computers! There are times when I want to accomplish something that seems simple to me which I think will take only 10-15 minutes, but I come up against a technological snag and it takes more like 45 minutes! I can get so easily frustrated and quite impatient with these little annoyances in life. I wish I …
The Path of Godly Courage
Joseph of Arimathea displays the attribute of godly courage as he comes to Pilate and asks for the body of Jesus after our Lord had died on Good Friday. Notice that in Mark 15:43, Joseph of Arimathea was described as waiting for the kingdom of God. It would appear that his godly longing for the Messiah and the coming of …
Suffering & Adversity
In the Old Testament account of the life of Job, we have an extremely important book that focuses on God’s sovereignty and human suffering. While the subject of God’s sovereignty and human suffering is touched on in a number of places in Holy Scripture including some of the Psalms and the book of Lamentations, here we have a case where …