What can I expect?

You can expect a welcoming group of folks here!
When you come into the foyer of the church you will be welcomed by a greeter. An usher can direct you or answer questions and has an order of worship for you. The service prayers and music will be shown on the screens. Prelude music begins 5-10 minutes before the service which starts at 10:15 and goes until around 11:15-11:30.

What is the service like?

The 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month are services of Holy Communion.  On 2nd and 4th Sundays, we follow a service from our Book of Common Prayer called Morning Prayer.  5th Sundays include the Litany with Morning Prayer.
Each service begins with singing a hymn and includes readings from both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and prayers found in the Book of Common Prayer.  Pastor Benner preaches based on a Scripture read that morning.

Is there nursery?

Nursery is available for children under the age of four.  Just let the usher know! They will show you where to go. We always have two people in the nursery, and they have current background checks.
Children are welcome in our service. There are Kid’s Bags with coloring and other items to be used during worship if you bring your child into the service.  Please check with an usher if you would like to borrow one! 

Is there Sunday School?

An Adult Sunday School class is held Sept. – May and another that meets Tuesday afternoons except during the Christmas and Easter holidays. We have other means of Christian Education opportunities in a Women’s Bible study and an evening Book Club.
Classes for children could be available, please let the office know of your interest.  

What should I wear?

You will see a mix of casual, business casual, and “Sunday best.” Some folks come in jeans and some in a sport coat and tie. Please be comfortable and come to worship with us!

What is your music like?

There is a mixture of classical compositions, traditional hymns, and modern praise music during the service.  We have a bell choir, a chancel choir, and a praise team who assist in leading the worship music.  We enjoy using both our organ and our piano during the services.

Can I take Communion?

We welcome all baptized believers in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to join us for Communion.  We see Holy Communion as a special demonstration of our relationship with Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We believe that the presence of Christ is given to us in the bread and wine as we receive them in faith and that there is a mystery surrounding this sacrament.
Two Sundays a month we take Communion together.  The usher directs rows to go up to the front of the church where we stand in small groups at the Communion table and receive a wafer and then either wine in the chalice or grape juice in an individual cup.  You may choose to dip your wafer in the chalice instead of drinking from the cup.  We serve gluten free wafers.
Anyone may come forward to the Communion table and receive a blessing from the pastor.  If for any reason you can not take the elements or if you are bringing up a child who is not ready to take Communion, feel free to cross your arms over your chest or have your child do this and the pastor will pray for you.

Can I get baptized?

Baptism is a sacrament available both for infants or children of parents who believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior as well as individuals who have not previously been baptized.
Anyone interested in baptism should reach out to the pastor for more information.

What does “Reformed” mean?

Marty Foord, in his article entitled What makes a Christian Reformed? on The Gospel Coalition website, says, “A label like “Reformed” helps us identify the unique characteristics of one strand within the Christian tradition; and to evaluate whether its emphases and reading of Scripture support our love and service toward God.” He helps explain Reformed as a practice that developed as an offshoot of the Protestant tradition which, “is usually distinguished by the four classic “alone” slogans: Scripture alone, grace alone, Christ alone, and faith alone. It contends that Scripture alone is the supreme authority for believers, and that salvation is by God’s grace alone, because of Christ’s work alone, received by faith (or trust) alone. In opposition to this, Roman Catholicism upholds the supreme authority of Scripture and tradition, and salvation by faith as well as a believer’s good works (even if they are spirit-empowered).”