My first responsibility is to my Lord. To serve and glorify Him through all I do and say every moment in the places He puts me.
Since the passing of her dear mother, Sue Brodish writes this as an update to her ministry in Florida:
“I closed the Christian kindergarten in Germany after 32 years to take care of my dear mother for 10 blessed years. I have found many ways to serve my Lord at Penney Retirement Community, my new mission field. I love working and serving daily at Beyer House, which is an assisted living facility. I enjoy helping in the church office, volunteering at Hagen Care, our Alzheimer unit, as well as serving at the Pavilion, our clinic. They look forward to my creative throwing games. They all love my art and craft projects, which I share with the residents and speak to them about Jesus. Every day is an adventure with Him because you just don’t know how He is going to use you.”